Who Are Baby Boomers?
Baby Boomers are Americans born between the years of 1946 and 1964 – now between the ages of 59 and 76.
Baby Boomer 18-year span is characterized by economic prosperity directly after World War II.
The Baby Boom lasted until the introduction of the birth control pill in 1964.
Baby Boomer’s social, cultural, and economic impact on the United States has been unprecedented in its history.
As a Baby Boomer myself, I’m empowered by the fact that we have become the single largest economic group in the United States today. We are well-educated and increasingly well-preserved. Our social, cultural, and economic impact on our country has been unprecedented in its history.
Baby Boomers can afford to spend money on life’s little luxuries. Don’t be surprised to see Baby Boomers hop on their motorcycles to take a road trip or find us spending an evening in front of their 50-inch TV home theater system or booking a trip to the Bahamas.
Baby Boomers:
• Have more discretionary income (wealth) than any other age group
• Control 70% of the total net worth of American households – $7 trillion of wealth
• Own 80% of all money in savings and loan associations
• Spend more money disproportionately on their numbers
• Are not fanatically loyal to brands
• Watch television more than any other age group
• Read newspapers more than any other age group
• Account for a dramatic 40% of total consumer demand
Facts About Baby Boomers – History Channel
Baby Boomers are at the early stages of what promises to be a long-term and lucrative love affair with life. We aren’t simply writing a new chapter of our lives, we’re writing a brand new book.
Baby Boomer Book:
Generation Ageless: How Baby Boomers Are Changing the Way We Live Today
. . . And They’re Just Getting Started
Baby Boomer DVDs:
Boomer Revolution (2017)
60 Minutes – The Millennials are Coming (November 11, 2007)
Baby Boomer Magazine,
with due consideration of the present economic situation,
has committed its investigative and editorial resources
to find individuals and companies of integrity
and with products, services, opportunities
of quality and true benefit of all Baby Boomers in our
preparation and implementation of our retirement
with a desirable quality of life.
Baby Boomer Magazine Does The Research and Screening of products, services, and retirement business opportunities expressly for their true value to Baby Boomers – ones that Baby Boomer Magazine can support with our “Baby Boomer Magazine Resource Guarantee”.
Baby Boomer Magazine Utilizes our Baby Boomer Resource Partners to educate, consult and if found of value to you, to sell you the products, services or opportunities that truly benefit you as a Baby Boomer.
Baby Boomer Magazine’s Resources Partners also represent various products, services or business opportunities that we have found to be of true benefit to Baby Boomers. We Guarantee there will be absolutely NO Hard Sell, NO Obligation, NO SPAM and NO Hassles.
Baby Boomer Magazine does not accept any Advertising Revenue from our Baby Boomer Resource Partners. We only monetarily benefit if you find the product, service or opportunity that is true and of benefit to you.
We Guarantee there will be absolutely NO Hard Sell, NO Obligation,
Any requests for information will be provided without obligation.