The Baby Boomer Generation
Made America What It Is Today
The Baby Boomer Generation truly stands out as a pivotal force that shaped the United States and the world in remarkable ways!
This Baby Boomer Generation Championed Civil Rights and fought passionately for equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of belief, gender, race, or age. Their dedication to advocacy has left an indelible mark on our society!
Baby Boomers, being politically engaged like no other generation, have made their presence felt in more political offices than any other age group. They possess a broad perspective on politics and are increasingly intrigued by how our nation is governed.
Three Baby Boomer Presidents, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, took the stage in the United States holding the title of being our first Baby Boomer Presidents! These leaders didn’t just sit back; they spearheaded a journey of economic growth for the United States!
Baby Boomers grew up during the Cold War Era and were instilled with a deep-seated belief in the strength of the American Military. They viewed the ‘bad guys’ through the lens of socialism and communism, fuelled by a time of intense global tension.
The Baby Boomers made Education the Cornerstone of its Mission. Those of us born during this exciting time stood strong for our civil rights, especially during the transformative years of the Vietnam War.
The Baby Boomer Generation is the powerhouse behind our current lifestyle and has fiercely defended our rights as proud citizens of this great nation.
It’s only fitting that we receive the Respect and Dignity that
Baby Boomers Deserve!