Baby Boomers Volunteer for their Vacations
Baby Boomer and Senior Volunteerism is a volunteer vacation that includes some activities that are focused on furthering a charitable cause for which the participant receives no remuneration.
The types of Voluntourism are diverse, from low-skill work cleaning up local wildlife areas to providing high-skill medical aid in a foreign country. Volunteer vacations appeal to the Baby Boomers who typically share a desire to “do something good” while also experiencing new places and challenges in locales we might not otherwise visit.
During the 1990s the travel industry developed niche products and firms to provide volunteer vacations to those who had no previous experience with a cause, and to cater to the increasing number of Baby Boomers looking for more from a vacation than just relaxing and for one that produces a real “life experience”.
Voluntourism Videos:
Baby Boomers Volunteering for Health and Happiness
Today Show: Volunteer Vacations
The first edition of Volunteer Vacations by Bill McMillan Book features over 200 non-profit organizations that facilitated such service opportunities. According to the Travel Industry Association of America, more than 55 million Baby Boomers and other Americans have participated in a volunteer vacation, and about 100 million more are considering taking one.
Earthwatch Institute – www.earthwatch.org
Choose from 130 volunteer research and conservation expeditions in about 50 countries, including the United States. Volunteers assist scientists and wildlife experts in some of the world’s most beautiful spots with animal observation, excavating and mapping, among other projects.
Passport in Time – www.passportintime.com
Volunteers can work with archeologists and historians on more than 200 projects, arranged by the U.S. Forest Service, around the United States. Assist with excavations, surveys and lab work in America’s national forests. There is no fee to participate, but volunteers are responsible for their own transportation, food and lodging.
Voluntourism books:
Book: Volunteer Vacations by Bill McMillan
Book: The 100 Best Volunteer Vacations to Enrich Your Life
Book: The Back Door Guide to Short-Term Job Adventures: Internships, Summer Jobs, Seasonal Work, Volunteer Vacations, and Transitions Abroad
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