Baby Boomer Magazine Article Marketing Program
Baby Boomer Magazine is committed to giving Baby Boomers the knowledge and resources through informative Articles as well as those of our Advertisers to make intelligent decisions as to their health, finances, retirement, activities and the products they buy and services they utilize.
In this relationship, Baby Boomer Magazine utilizes our Article Content Partners and Article Marketing Partners to educate, consult and sell the products and services that truly benefit Baby Boomers.
Baby Boomer Magazine is over 15 years old and is without question one of the most popular Online resources for Baby Boomers with thousands of Page Views every day. But the truth is that nearly 70% of its daily visitors come into our Online Magazine through a keyword/phrase search on a Search Engine. 3,000 – 11,000 Pageviews a day.
Baby Boomer Magazine (BabyBoomer-Magazine.com) is a Very Strong Search Engine Marketing Website. This means that its design from its conception for the purpose of effectively getting its articles into Search Engines in as little as 24 hours.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of Internet Marketing that seeks to promote websites/webpages by increasing their visibility on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS). It’s a lot more complicated than that but this is a simple definition.
• Over 60% of those conducting online research for products and services go to Search Engines First.
• Over 70% of those wanting to purchase a product or service online will use Search Engines to find where to purchase it.
• Over 80% of serious buyers research a company, product or service on the Internet before making their purchases.
• Over 90% of U.S. adults who research online before making a purchase decision use Search Engines as a research tool.
Search Engines build keyword/phrase indexes of Web pages through a process called spidering using what is commonly called a Web Crawler. The process associates one or more of these keyword/phrases to the content of that webpage. When a Search Engine User types in a keyword/phrase, the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS) reflect those indexed pages. There are often hundreds, if not thousands, of webpages that have been indexed with the same keyword/phrase.
Article Marketing can effectively give the Search Engines and its Users the subject matter that they are searching for. If done properly, this can truly be a win-win situation.
• Over 70% of online researchers will look at and click on an organic listing (on the left) before clicking on an advertised listing (on the right).
• Over 80% of online shoppers will read and trust a third party professionally written article about a business, product, or service before they will by the contents of a company website.
Article Marketing involves the publishing of articles through various article publishing resources such as Blogs, News Websites, Article Publishers, and Online Magazines.
• Blogs – To the Search Engines, Blogs now have a reputation for having content that is poorly written and suspect as to the significance other than someone’s opinion and often rantings. GOOGLE has even broken Blogs out into its own separate category as to not confuse its Users with this kind of content with real informative content. Look in the upper left corner of the GOOGLE Search Page for Blog.
• News Websites – Can be very good if you can get into them. The disadvantage of the rating given to News Websites is that to the Major Search Engines, news (depending on the subject matter) is seen as something with short-term significance. This generally results in the page listing often starting to drop within a few weeks.
• Article Publishers – A search of the internet will find dozens of article publishers. Most of these publishers are considered questionable as to their relative search content and generally not rated highly in the Search Engines. Like with the Blogs, the writing is often amateurish and the significance of their content is considered unreliable at best. The best use of Article Publishers is to use them to support an article with the same relative content of a primary article published by a rated source. Baby Boomer Magazine often utilizes these Article Publishing resources to benefit its own published articles.
• Over 95% of the articles submitted by Article Publishing resources will never get into the first three pages of listings on a Major Search Engine
• Over 90% of articles published by an Article Publishing resource will never see the first 10 pages of Search Engines listings.
This is where Authority Rated Magazine Article Marketing becomes one of the most effective resources for getting articles into primary listing positions of the Major Search Engines.
Magazine Article Marketing is basically the same as Article Marketing but with the originating article being published on a High Authority Rated Magazine Website. The main difference is how an Online Magazine (if properly designed, implemented and optimized) is perceived by Search Engines and how Search Engine Optimized articles published on a High Authority Rated Online Magazine are prioritized in their listings. Unlike News Articles, Magazine Articles grow stronger with time just like websites can but they get into the Search Engines much, much, much faster.
Baby Boomer Magazine Article Marketing will not only expose your Search Engine Optimized Article(s) about your business, product or service to thousands of its daily Baby Boomer Readers but will effectively get them into the Major Search Engines. We guarantee
BabyBoomer-Magazine.com Article Marketing Partner
Whether a Baby Boomer is searching for a health concern, a financial issue, a retirement resource or searching for something that fulfills a Baby Boomer specific desire or need; most have come to Baby Boomer Magazine searching for something. A visitor that is searching for something is considered to be a better-qualified buyer than one that is just browsing for news or for socialization.
• Over 80% of online shoppers will read and trust a third party professionally written article about a business, product or Service before they will trust the contents of a company website.
Baby Boomer Magazine adds substantially to the legitimacy of Article Content published on its website.
A BabyBoomer-Magazine.com Article can be thought of as a high-quality fishing line dragging the ocean floor (Internet) for fish (potential customers). With an article or many articles, you are going fishing with lots of fishing lines that are capable of using many different kinds of bait (keywords/phrases).
Each of these fishing lines (articles) can be optimized to benefit from its highly rated relative content to a particular bait (keywords/products) to catch your desired fish (qualified buyer) for a particular product. Add to this just the right fishing hook for your bait (200 to 400 word professionally edited article) designed expressly to motivate the desired fish (qualified buyer) to eat your bait (close the sale) and you have a real winner of a marketing campaign.
With Your Own Website representing one fishing line, it is logical to assume that the more article fishing lines you have out there trolling the Internet with your various keyword/phrases and targeted article content bait, the more qualified buyers you will catch?
If this makes sense to you, we are going to make it easy for you and your Advertising Budget.
Use ‘baby boomer’ in your Search Engine Searches.
Contact me if you have any questions and to request additional information on these and other BabyBoomer-Magazine.com Marketing opportunities.
Daryl Burns
Baby Boomer Editor, Writer, Sales and Marketing Manager
Email to advertising@babyboomer-magazine.com