A Baby Boomer Generation Guide to Fitness by Robert Bresloff
A Baby Boomer Generation
Guide to Fitness
by Robert Bresloff
Some Facts About Baby Boomer Aging
Baby Boomer Generation needs to deal with health issues such as osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic back problems, and obesity.
Fitness and health are two completely different issues but one can help the other. Proper fitness can positively affect many common health complaints.
Baby Boomers may not be getting any younger, but I can’t think of one good reason not to meet those coming golden years head-on.
More Baby Boomer Fitness Articles by Robert Bresloff
Exercise may or may not be the fountain of youth, but having strong bones, supple, flexible muscles, and great balance can make getting older a lot easier to take.
Truly, Baby Boomers are not getting any younger, and though being fit doesn’t carry any guarantees, a well-balanced fitness program can do wonders for the body and the mind. Attitude is everything. Remember we’re all the same age. Some of us have just been here a little longer.
After many years of lifting weights, coaching sports, and personal training (at this writing I am 59 years young and still a full-time personal trainer), I have come to realize that not only do most of these, so-called experts that we see on television, in books and magazines do not have the answer, I don’t even think they know the question!
The human body has a set of rules that it must live by — they’re called biomechanics. Many of these so-called experts seem to ignore this fact and continually teach methods that could be injurious to joints.
I hope that The Baby Boomer’s Guide to Fitness will teach you proper exercises performed in a functional manner designed to get results while at the same time protecting your joints, leaving them strong, flexible, and ready to meet the challenges of middle or any age.
This exercise system is no quick fix and does not pretend to have all the answers—but it is a well-thought-out plan that considers physical limitations.
Why do we need to train in the martial arts style if we don’t practice martial arts? Why do we take classes that make us step up and down on the same riser repeatedly when we should be teaching our bodies how to properly climb a flight of stairs? Don’t even get me started on fitness boot camps.
After all these years, I have learned the significance of balance, stability, and joint range, and how to teach human beings to exercise properly without the pain, soreness, and injuries that have come to be expected with working out.
Remember this one, “No Pain No Gain”? It even sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
The Baby Boomer’s Guide to Fitness will attempt to teach you proper form and the proper progression of exercise done correctly. Some of the theories may contradict popular beliefs but if you think it through, I’m sure that you will agree that it makes perfect, logical sense. Okay baby-boomers, now let’s begin learning the proper exercise methods that will get you in shape to tackle the most difficult sport of all—everyday life—your everyday life.
Baby Boomer Fitness – Silver Sneakers Video
Robert Bresloff is a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Therapist, Adaptive Fitness Specialist, Specialising in Fitness for Older Adults, and Endurance Trainer with The International Sports Sciences Association. He owned and operated, Total Fitness Concepts Inc for 10 years. He has written for Masters Athlete Magazine, The Waukegan News Sun, and trade e-magazines and recently released his first fitness book, ‘The Baby Boomer’s Guide to Fitness”