Article Marketing Reaches Baby Boomer Buyers
Now Only $95 month (Limited Time)
Baby Boomer Magazine is committed to giving Baby Boomers the knowledge and resources through informative Articles as well as through our Advertisers to make intelligent decisions as to their health, their finances, their retirement, their activities, and for the products that they buy and the services they utilize.
In this relationship, Baby Boomer Magazine utilizes you as a Marketing and Article Content Partner to educate, consult, and finally sell the products and services that truly benefit Baby Boomers.
Baby Boomer Magazine is over 20 years old (Established in 2003) and is without question one of the most popular Online resources for Baby Boomers with thousands of Page Views every day. But the truth is that nearly 70% of its daily visitors come into our Online Magazine through a Keyword/Phrase Search on a Search Engine.
Baby Boomer Magazine (BabyBoomer-Magazine.com) is a very strong Search Engine Marketing Website. This means that its design from its conception was to effectively get its articles into Search Engines in as little as 24 hours.
What might this mean to you as a Marketing Member of BabyBoomer-Magazine.com?
Whether a Baby Boomer is searching for a health concern, a financial issue, a retirement resource or searching for something that fulfills a Baby Boomer-specific desire or need; most have come to Baby Boomer Magazine searching for something. A visitor who is searching for something is considered to be a better-qualified buyer than one who is just browsing for news or socialization.
• Over 80% of online shoppers will read and trust a third-party professionally written article about a business, product, or service before they will trust the contents of a company website.
Baby Boomer Magazine adds substantially to the legitimacy and overall receptiveness of Potential Customers to your Products and Services. What you say about yourself is one thing, but what is said about you in a National Online Magazine is another thing.
Learn More About:
BabyBoomer Magazine Article Marketing
More Ways to Advertise on Baby Boomer Magazine
• Article Marketing on Baby Boomer Magazine – Request Quote
• Website and Category Sponsorships – Request Quote
• Performance-Based Marketing Programs – Request Quote
• Custom Advertising Programs – Request Quote
Why Advertising on BabyBoomer-Magazine.com
$95 = (Reg $195) One or more Articles on BabyBoomer-Magazine.com
(each article, monthly, 2-month minimum)
$ 0 = (Reg $125) Search Engine Article Optimization
(each article, one time – Paid Separately)
SIGN-UP HERE to Purchase
MARCH/APRIL – HALF-PRICE SPECIAL on Baby Boomer Magazine Articles
Subscribe and Pay $95 a month for ONLY 2 months for the evaluation period ($95 month/auto-pay) of your Article Published in BabyBoomer-Magazine.com. Your 2 months starts when your Article is Published.
1) Sign up as a Baby Boomer Magazine Article Marketing Associate Member using the link below and initiate payment for at least one of your desired article(s). Your auto-renewal payment will not be charged to your Credit Card or PayPal Account for 5 days, allowing for your Article Submission and our Article Optimization before going live. You may add more articles at any time. You may cancel your auto-payments yourself at any time after your initial payment.
SIGN-UP HERE to Purchase Your HALF-PRICE SPECIAL for Baby Boomer Magazine Article(s)
2) Pay $95 a month by Credit Card for your Published Article for ONLY 2 months for your evaluation.
Your 2 months starts when your Article is Published.
3) Write a 300 to 500-word Informational Article about how your product or service meets a need for Baby Boomers. We suggest you write it in the third person to make it appear that a third party (someone else) wrote the article about you. We will research your Keyword/phrase suggestions and utilize them and others strategically in your article to maximize their impact on the Major Search Engines.
4) Upload your Article by Email Here:
5) Please send us an email and tell us more about your business, products, and services and how you believe they are of interest to Baby Boomers. Include what you feel is the related Baby Boomer Magazine Category or Categories for your products and services along with several of your product/service keywords/phrases and the website or webpage to which you want to link your article.
Contact me if you have any questions or would like to request additional information on these and other BabyBoomer-Magazine.com marketing opportunities.
Daryl Burns
Baby Boomer Editor and Marketing Manager
Email to advertising@babyboomer-magazine.com
Baby Boomer Magazine,
with due consideration of the present economic situation,
has committed its investigative and editorial resources to find
individuals and companies of integrity
as well as products, services, and opportunities
of quality and the true benefit of all Baby Boomers in our preparation and implementation
of our retirement with a desirable quality of life.
Baby Boomer Magazine Does The Research and Screening of products, services, and retirement business opportunities expressly for their true value to Baby Boomers – ones that Baby Boomer Magazine can support with our “Baby Boomer Magazine Resource Guarantee”.
Baby Boomer Magazine Utilizes our Baby Boomer Resource Partners to educate, consult, and if found of value to you, to sell you the products, services, or opportunities that truly benefit you as a Baby Boomer.
Baby Boomer Magazine’s Resources Partners also represent various products, services, or business opportunities that we have found to benefit Baby Boomers.
We Guarantee there will be absolutely NO Hard Sell, NO Obligation, NO SPAM, and NO Hassles.